Photo of Caroline


Female · 29 years · Massage therapist

Free to message

Looking in: Jasper, AB.

$900 per month
Accommodation for
For myself
Ready to move
Looking to stay
5 months
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ LGBT+ friendly
🌲 Cannabis friendly
🚭 Non-smoker
πŸ™Œ Interested in teaming-up


Hi there, just got the confirmation for a new job beginning August 1st in Jasper. I’m pretty active and outdoorsy. I enjoy running, weight lifting, biking and yoga. Always up for a good chat or hang out. I love cooking and I would describe myself as a friendly, polite, clean and warm hearted adventurer. I’m a physiotherapist so if you have any issues I’m sure I can help you out!

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