
Advanced search for housemates in McKenzie Towne Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB

Photo of Racheal Brooke

Racheal Brooke

25 years · Female · hairstylist


Hello! I am a 25 year old single female named Racheal. I am a full time hairstylist at Karma Salon in Mahogany, I work 5 days a week - including Saturdays and my days off are Sundays and Mondays. I have a 10 year old tabby named Nala who doesn't scratch, make noise, smells or anything, she is very s...

Roommate looking in: New Brighton Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB, McKenzie Lake Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB, McKenzie Towne Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB, Copperfield Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB & Seton Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Photo of Heidi


18 years · Female · Crew Member at Mcdonald's, Freelancing house sitter


I'm an independent student looking for a mostly long term room, I don't throw parties and tend to keep to myself socially or hang out at other people house, i'm a bit of a neat freak sometimes!! My cat is extremely friendly and so am I, I'm very open and welcoming to everything!! I'm also pretty qui...

Roommate looking in: Seton Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB, McKenzie Towne Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB & Southeast Calgary, Calgary, AB.


37 years · Female · PSW


Hello, I'm looking to rent a room preferably with other females. Im 37 years old, very tidy and organized. I'm pretty quiet but very easy going and friendly. I don't have any pets of my own but love their company.

Roommate looking in: McKenzie Towne South East, Calgary, AB.

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