
Advanced search for housemates in Pembina North Edmonton, Edmonton, AB


50 years · Male · Social work


I'm a pastor of a church and just moved to Edmonton. I just started working another parttime job so I'm looking for a room preferably in the north side of Edmonton where my work is. I don't smoke, I'm very clean, and would a clean roommate or a basement suite of some sort. I'm usually outside for wo...

Roommate looking in: Griesbach North Edmonton, Edmonton, AB.

Photo of Jared


29 years · Male · Student/Remote Work


Hello. I am a 29yo male student trying to find accommodation for a few years either near NAIT, or somewhere with easily accessible transit, as I do not drive. The location doesn't matter too much so long as it's a reasonable distance from the school by transit. I don't go out much and will likely be...

Roommate looking in: Bonnie Doon South Central Edmonton, Edmonton, AB, Duggan South Edmonton, Edmonton, AB, Steinhauer South Edmonton, Edmonton, AB, Greenfield South Edmonton, Edmonton, AB & Sweet Grass South Edmonton, Edmonton, AB.

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